Key decisions agreed as CBD COP16 concludes in Rome
The second resumed session of CBD COP16 comes to a successful close, with key decisions adopted
This is a crucial decade for tackling the nature crisis, and policy ambition, action, and cooperation at global and national scales is critical to success.
We support policy-makers to take action for people and planet. We are internationally recognised for our experience and expertise in supporting governments in the development and implementation of biodiversity policies at national, regional and global scales.
Our team helps governments, both collectively and individually, to design and use tools, such as biodiversity indicators and national ecosystem assessments, to meet national and internationally established biodiversity-related goals and targets. We enable and enhance decision-making at all scales by improving the knowledge base for understanding and addressing biodiversity loss in a way that respects human rights and guarantees equality and non-discrimination.
We work to support the integration of nature across the UN system through the UN Common Approach to biodiversity, and the delivery of various biodiversity-related multilateral environmental agreements, including the forthcoming post-2020 global biodiversity framework being negotiated under the Convention on Biological Diversity.