World must act faster to protect 30% of the planet by 2030
Protected and conserved areas need to double on land and triple at sea by 2030
Protected and conserved areas need to double on land and triple at sea by 2030
COP16 of the Convention on Biological Diversity in Cali, Colombia, is the most significant biodiversity meeting in two years
Preventing the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases through stronger protected area networks
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Achieving 30 per cent protected and conserved area coverage is only one part of the picture
Two new studies show promising trends for the county’s rare creatures and protected habitats
A new report estimates that green investment of USD 7.4 trillion by 2030 would generate the economic equivalent of USD152 trillion
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For International Day for Biological Diversity, we share a small sample of our work to implement the Biodiversity Plan
Three examples of how the Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool can be used to generate key data for important sites for migratory birds
UNEP-WCMC’s COP14 delegation Kelly Malsch, Frances Davis and Andrew Szopa-Comley reflect on the recent 14th meeting of the Conference of the Parties of the Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals, celebrating, in particular, the positive reception of the first comprehensive assessment on migratory species. Last month, more than 2,000 government representatives,…
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